6 Results for month: 10/2019
At the final U15- Team competition took part in total 9 Clubs out 5 Nationen. The two "South Tyrol selections" (consisting of Lorenzner- & Rodenecker Judokas) occupied rank 3 (guys) and the girls place 5. Kompliment an alle.
7 Lorenzner junior Judokas won 12 Podestplätze (by double starts) in Buchs, Switzerland. The highest podium (4) climbed this time Anna Oberhuber U13 + U15, Leni Willeit U15 and Alex Camuncoli U18. Die 6 Silver medals went to Noah Steurer and Leni Willeit U13, Nicole Camuncoli U13 + U15, Alex Camuncoli U15 and Genta Huseni U18. 2 x ...
The South Tyrol team did not exactly have a good day in the 2. Runde der Alpen Adria Liga in Tarcento (OUT). The two leaders with equal points after the first day of play – Kuroki Tarcento and Team Südtirol – met in the first match of the day. Kuroki - newly minted Vice-
Italienmeister der A2- Team- Meisterschaft 2019 - ...
Am 6. Overall Tyrolean Student Championship 1. Overall Tyrolean Student Championship, Overall Tyrolean Student Championship 1. Overall Tyrolean Student Championship. Die 2. Overall Tyrolean Student Championship 17. Overall Tyrolean Student Championship. Overall Tyrolean Student Championship. Overall Tyrolean Student Championship, Overall Tyrolean Student Championship 2.
und Noah Steurer ...
Als Gast des erst kürzlich gegründeten Judoclub „Renbukan“ in Mölten absolvierten Südtirols Judo-
Instruktoren den zweiten Teil des jährlichen Fortbildungslehrgangs.
Diesmal konnte Maestro Riccardo Caldarelli (6
° Dan)
aus Mailand als Dozent gewonnen werden.
Caldarelli referierte hauptsächlich über Angriffs-
Folgetechniken (