12 Results for year: 2020

important message: Due to the NEW state order regarding. Covid-19, the judo hall will remain closed until "further notice"!


Start of the autumn season 2020

Liebe Judokas, liebe Eltern, liebe Sportfreunde, 1. the "official" season start autumn 2020 für die "farbigen Gürtel" wurde mit MONTAG, den 28.09.2020 festgelegt, very busy training already ....... (with anti-Covid19- instructions) 2. The beginners/newbies off 6 years will take the course 2020/21 voraussichtlich schon mit FREITAG, den 2. ... More

early autumn season 2020

Looking for judoka, cari genitori, dear sports friends, 1. The official start of the autumn season 2020" for colored belts was set for Monday 28 settembre 2020, someone is already training ……….(with Covid19 guidelines) 2. The Judo course for beginners 2020/21 starting from 6 anni partirà probabilmente con lunedi 2 October ... More

Anfängerkurs 2020/21 ab 6 Years


The judo hall will remain closed until further notice to protect all members of the club and their families!

Der italienische Verband FIJLKAM hat alle nationalen Tätigkeiten bis Ende Juni gestoppt. Die Trainingsaktivitäten sind ebenfalls ausgesetzt und können erst wieder aufgenommen werden, wenn dies von offizieller Seite bestätigt wird. Sobald wir Neuigkeiten haben melden wir uns. Wir wünschen frohe Ostern und bleibt gesund! More

important message: Because of the general government arrangement regarding. Corona- Virus (DPCM from 09. März) judo hall remains to 3. April closed! details regarding. Resumption of judo training followed by WhatsApp in the various training groups Comunicazione: according to ministerial orders on the "Corona Virus" (Prime Minister's 9 marzo) the gym is closed until 3 Apr. any details for the restart of training will follow through WhatsApp in various training groups.


Tommy beim Trophy in Italy Riccione 16.02.2020

Die Grippewelle und etwas Verletzungspech hatte unserem U15- Mixed- Team (Lorenzner/Rodenecker zusammen) arg zugesetzt, sodass es nur Thomas Kastlunger wagte mit seiner Familie nach Riccione zu fahren. Die lange Reise hatte sich aber allemal gelohnt, Tommy errang in der Schwergewichtsklasse die Silbermedaille und sehr viele Punkte in der B- Jugend (JG ... More

Our cadets at U18- Grand Prix in Lignano Sabbiadoro 25.01.2020

Equal 4 new cadets (U18) allowed with Philipp Hochgruber (Rodeneck) to the tournament in Lignano Sabbiadoro, were there too 2 Rodenecker Judokas. Alle 4 knew, that it would not be easy for her, since she is a "newcomer" in the U18 class this year (= Kadetten JG 2003/04/05) had to start and faced opponents who were up to two years older ... More

Internationale Trophäe der Stadt Lavis / TN am 20.01.2019

since she is a "newcomer" in the U18 class this year, since she is a "newcomer" in the U18 class this year 2 since she is a "newcomer" in the U18 class this year 2019, 2018 since she is a "newcomer" in the U18 class this year! since she is a "newcomer" in the U18 class this year, since she is a "newcomer" in the U18 class this year- since she is a "newcomer" in the U18 class this year. Einen 4. since she is a "newcomer" in the U18 class this year (U18) since she is a "newcomer" in the U18 class this year 8 siebenten Plätze belegten Noah Steurer, ... More

13. Jugentrophäe der Stadt Lavis/TN am 18.01.2020

Super Ergebnis mit 2 x Gold und 1 x Silber für die „Minis“ von Rolly Tinkhauser & Co.! Mit 3 With individual victories, Charlotte took the highest place on the podium, like Moritz Wachtler 2 Win. Mara Dellamaria also won silver 2 Victory but defeat. Everyone fought very bravely, einige waren krank geworden und mehrere hatten ... More