2 Results for month: 09/2021

8. int. Liechtenstein national championship 19.09.2021

You made it at the last moment, 6 girls after drive to Vaduz/LIE, Astrid Laner made herself available for this. Also Rodeneck was with our SV- Busl is part of the party. Everyone has their best given, after several months of "abstinence" it was one again Travel abroad possible. Die 2 Podestplätze gingen an Anna Oberhuber mit ... More

Start Herbstsaison 2021

Wochenplan DI + FR 17:00-18:00 Clock from vintage 2015 (Anfängerkurs)MO + FR 18:00-19:15 Clock from year 2012MON+FRI 19:30-21:00 am adults More