361 Results for author: judicial rulings
Recht spannend verliefen die sechs Begegnungen der 2. Runde der Alpen Adria Liga in Tarcento (OUT).
Die beiden punktegleichen Spitzenreiter nach dem ersten Spieltag - JZ Innsbruck und das Team Südtirol - gewannen beide ihre beiden Ligabegegnungen klar.
Innsbruck besiegte den JK Vicenza (8:2)
und die Union Osttirol (9:1).
Das Judoteam Südtirol setzte sich ...
Beim internationalen Turnier der Stadt Treviso holte Thomas Kastlunger Bronze in der A- Jugend). In the B-
Jugend landete Marie Obojes einen Klassensieg im Leichtgewicht,
Alex Camuncoli holte Silber in seiner Klasse,
Michi Oberlechner Bronze und Martin Scheiber schied leider aus.
Tomas Oberlechner belegte im Leichtgewicht der U18 einen guten 5. Space.
Ein ...
Participation in Libertas- Tournament "Criterium Giovanissimi" in Treviso was a great success for judo- Kids. Die 10- köpfige Kindergruppe um Coach Kurt Steurer & Accompanying team fetched 6 Gold-, 3 Silber- and 1 bronze medal. Gold ging an Farah Rami, Mara Dellamaria, Laura Obojes, Anna Oberhuber, Eva Costner and Noah Steurer. Die 3 Silbermedaillen ...
South Tyrol's judo teachers completed the second part of the annual training course in the completely renovated judo hall in St. Lorenzen. Im 2. You refer to Giovanni Maddaloni (Father of Olympic champion Pino Maddaloni) from the Star Judo Club Naples about different grip techniques and throwing combinations at its finest.
Giovanni Maddaloni (8. And)
hatte sich ...
Judo & Sport Ausgabe 06-18
The beginner courses start from,,de,every Monday and Wednesday from,,de,Have fun,,de,beginners Courses,,de 1.10.2018 jeweils Montag und Mittwoch von 15:30 to 16:30 Uhr. Viel Spass!
The new judo hall in Laives was subject to a real “collaudo”. (ex Bocciahalle) as a performance center. For a short time, coach Egon Dalsass added another squad- inserted training session. Colleagues from Trento also came in great numbers and the people from Lorenz didn't leave either 2 Ask for squad training.
Of course, the opportunity was also used for squad training (5. + 12. September) in Leifers. Few of them missed out on special training with the professionals from the Gruppo Sportivo Carabinieri Roma and worked up a sweat until late in the evening (also in Laives in the new hall) at the host judo club Leifers.
Several Lorenzner judo trainers visited 8. September the first part of the advanced training course 2018 for the instructors in Selva. As a lecturer, the head coach of the Carabinieri- Sports Group of Rome – Maestro Sacchi - be won,
der mit seinen AthletenInnen gerade im Grödner Carabinieri-Sportzentrum die Vorbereitung für die anstehe...
Judo & Sport Ausgabe 05-18