The beginnings of judo in St. Lorenzen go to the first Judo major event in the year 1970 back. On the initiative of Dr. Anton Sapelza, had the good with Master Bruno Carmeni and the brothers Peroni mediator in the Italian Judo Federation FIAP in Rome, was in St. Lorenzen 1970 the 3. Grand Prix of Italy held. In the arena of the market hall the strongest teams in Europe clashed. This made many young St. Lorenzner Sportler einen so großen Eindruck, that founded the Section Judo in autumn. Beginning 1971 Judo was the section as 4. Judo Club in South Tyrol in the Italian Judo Federation (then FIAP) registered. In August 1971 was in St. Lorenzen the 4. Grand Prix of Italy held, in the year 1973 followed the first Grand Prix of the ladies. The Italian National Judo prepared in St. Lorenzen on the Olympic Games 1972 in Munich and visited the Pusteria in the following years to training camps. Of these, the young judo athletes subjected Lorenzner related benefits, so that the Italian Judo Federation toyed with the idea, a permanent coach after St. To send Lorenzen. Through unremitting zeal section Judo experienced in the following years an unprecedented boom. In the summer months in the arena of the auction hall, a little later in the still rather spartan equipped exercise room in the basement of the administration wing of the Hall Mark's was the first Highlights. The first belt test in the dojo of St. Lorenzen found already 1972 conducted under the supervision of the former head coach of the national team Nicola Tempesta. In the following years, Bruno Carmeni looked after things. After different from- and reconstruction work in the years 1976 to 1980 directed by section leader Franz Moser and Robert Pescosta as well as the support of the then President Sepp Thaler SV, Otto Notdurfter and Dr. Anton Sapelza, the floor of the market hall was functional. Countless volunteer hours were provided by judokas in their spare time, to finally move into a well-ventilated room may Training. In Summer 1991 was at the insistence of SVVizepräsidenten Robert Pescosta, Section Head Karl Heinz Pallua with an elaborate, but the time appointed adapted modernization, which was not completed until the following spring. In the meantime, one was for training in the sports store (Sports Bar, 1. Stock) evaded. In The Year 1987 was still a functional Club room (Ex SV-office) on the ground floor, in the meantime, his baptism of fire as an office and administration center with computer- and had to pass internet. Minor improvement works at the entrance and staircase were carried out in recent years on their own.
Contact with foreign countries
Regular contacts with Judo clubs had early been linked abroad such as with the sports colleagues from Zaumberg. The list of contact addresses was getting longer. Union Lienz, Police Sports Club Innsbruck, the porcelain city Selb, Reutte and university- Graz, and a little later Ried, Landshut, Garching near Munich and Main-Kinzig-Kreis belonged to friends. Reciprocal visits were sporting and social highlights in the early days. Über diese weitreichenden Kontaktesorgten die Lorenzner Athleten dafür, that the Judo Club St. Lorenzen far beyond the country's borders, a term was. In the Kitchen remained to this day training camp 1974 Golfe Bleu on the Cote d'Azur and the French world champion Jean Paul Coche. From 1976 represented the Lorenzner judokas the town of Brunico 4x at the annual judo competitions with their partner cities. The competitions were 1976 in Brignoles (F), 1977 in Brunico (I), 1978 Tielt (B) and 1979 Gross-Gerau place. The Pusterer they could with the exception of Tielt (Space 2) 3x win. Were among the local events – In addition to the friendship meetings – joint training evenings with foreign clubs such as. Wattens in Tyrol and Innsbruck, Spring- and autumn tournaments with international participation.
And last but not least now a tradition Easter- or Pentecostal tournaments, especially the anniversaries of 1986 and 1991 ( to 15. and 20. Birthday of the Section Judo ). Beautiful memories remained from sailing to whale town on Lake Walen / CH 1988, or 1993,1994 and 2000 Buchs / CH. 1990 followed by another invitation to the Europe days after Tielt (B), this time really the next generation was victorious. 1993 and 1994 followed the invitations to Bregenz on Lake Constance-school championships.
Competitions at national level
Of importance, of course, was the sporting activities at the national level. The first appearance of the fledgling section was performed in Cortina d'Ampezzo in summer 1972. Already in the late autumn of the same year decided the "Pusterer" at the Regional Championship in Bolzano – to the surprise of the victorious Talferstädter – The best club for yourself. 1974 Herbert returned Pramstaller and Karlheinz Pallua or gold. Silver back of the Italy Cup battles of Rome. Pramstaller had recently been in Rome Carabinieri "novice national champion". This was St. Lorenzen its place in the national judo events. Later were joined by Ludwig Parazza, His Wolfgruber, Emil Schifferegger, Robert Seyr und Egon Mair zu den erfolgreichsten Kämpfern auf regionaler und nati onaler Ebene dazu. In The Year 1976 Emil was Schifferegger silver medalist at the Italian Cup final in Novara. An absolute highlight saw the season 1978, as in the battle for the national title in Treviso four "Lorenzner" (Pramstaller, Wolfsgruber, Pallua and Seyr) were in the final competitions. All four were placed in the top 10 their weight classes; Pramstaller 5., Outing 7., Pallua and Wolfsgruber 9. The first two of these triggered by their rankings the way to the final of "Assoluti" (general master class) in Naples. This ranked the SV ST. Lorenzen in the club score the first civilian Club Rank 4 behind the 3 Sportgruppen der Carabinieri, Financial- and State Police. Pramstaller was four weeks later "absolute" state champion in the class to 80 Kg. Such champion honors were the Section Judo evidence, that she was on the right path and St. Lorenzen had since become the center of the South Tyrolean judo. In the following year, the Lorenzner presented at its best. Pramstaller, "Honsolo" Wolfsgruber and Egon Mair, and Erich Mair, participated in the pupils of the local colors in the fight for Cup- and championship. Pramstaller was his favorite and took 1979 the national title in the men in Turin, Erich Mair was ranked 7 with the pupils in Catania. In the fall was Erich Mair total Tyrolean Youth Champion.
The reward for Pramstaller was drafted into the National. 1975 He played in Lyon (F) the European Championships as "Carabinieri", 1979 in Athens, he denied it as "Lorenzner" .1982 took the bronze at Junior Christoph Gasser Italy Cup in Florence. Eva Hellweger mixed 1983 at the Regional Championships belonging to. Another highlight saw the section 1984, als Hans Wolfsgruber im Finale der Braungurtmeisterschaft, After years of hard work his big goal – black belt – was able to receive. All these competitions required a tremendous amount of kilometers, Time and money, found the national qualification phases but mostly in major Italian cities instead. However, many of these tournaments were the young athletes worth a visit, since they had the opportunity, new cities and people get to know. The judo section as well as the sports club always had an open ear, when we went to the energetic and financial support of these trips.
Youth Work
This series of successful adult judokas spurred, continue work of young people on a broader basis. This was first under Norbert Rücker, then Herbert Pramstaller with Erich Mair, Manfred Aichner, Norbert Tinkhauser, Paul Messner, Reinhold Purdeller, Hartmann Rieder, Josef Hellweger, Sepp Wierer, Rosi Hellweger, Robert Erlacher and Christoph Gasser already borne fruit. From 1979 oversaw the successful section a first group of children's ushered in a new era in secure youth sports a.
The experienced judokas expanded their sports career, by resigning mid-80s in the second term and brought in fresh wind in youth work. Norbert Rücker, Robert Pescosta, Robert watching, Emil Schifferegger and Karlheinz Pallua occupied 1987 Dan courses and exams. Schifferegger and Pallua visited in the wake of the first Regional Trainer training course and put 1989 on the Roman Judo Academy coaches exam. Now training under expert guidance and good construction work should enable the Section, to tie in the second half of the 80s to the glamorous 70s.
Diego Gatta made the beginning, he won 1985 Foggia in the bronze medal at the Junior Cup Final. A year later he was in Naples the same competition on the highest podium. In The Year 1985 the sports partnership with Zoppola / Pordenone was closed. Das Freundschaftstreffen gewann der Lorenzner Nachwuchs knapp mit 28:24, in the "second leg 1986 in the neighboring province of Friuli the Pusterer fed up top again. A powerful competition group with Diego Gatta, Günther Großgasteiger, Christa, Haymo and Alex Crazzolara, Ursula Heide Berger, Astrid Laner, Roland, Horst and Lukas Tinkhauser, Monika Gatterer, Kurt Steurer, Karl Heinz Gasser, Harry Oberjakober, Melanie Schifferegger u.v.a.m. represented the Lorenzner colors at regional, national and international events, from the year 1988 very successful. The success in youth- and school sports did not fail. The Lorenzner student team won the season 1988 after 9 Game days 7 Win, a draw and 1 Defeat the title of a regional school team champion!
In Summer 1989 were the first to 2 Student, Ursula Heidenberger und Haymo Crazzolara ins römische Finale der Jugendspiele vorstoßen. They took places 6 and 10. This junior team finished the International Judo Tournament in St. Lorenz Pentecostal excellent 2.Rank, beaten only by the all-powerful Scorpio Club Pordenone. The Junior Christa Crazzolara and Günther Großgasteiger returned 1990 back as vice-champion of the Eternal City. In the same year the Lorenzner junior team won the Judo- Comparison fight against the hosts in Tielt, on the occasion of "Europafeesten" for the sister city of Brunico. The Pfingstturnier 1991 in St. Lorenzen, on the occasion of the anniversary celebration "20 Years of Judo in St. Lorenzen "became a total triumph of the host youth team before the favored Polizeisportverein Innsbruck. In The Year 1992 Robert passed Erlach and Franzdorf man after successful preparatory phase, the test for 1. Dan in Bolzano and made from then on her husband on the exercise mat. 1991 and 1992 remembered Diego Gatta his proven techniques and won bronze at the State Championships for university students, in the year 1993 he was defeated at the very last match, taking silver. Ursula Berger and Heath Christa Crazzolara managed 1992 even taking part in the "Assoluti" the ladies in Bari. In the same year it did not miss Ursula Heide Berger, reap the finals of the Junior National Championships in Bergamo bronze and 1.Dan, in the fall at the Cup final in Rome, she won bronze again.
With Roland Tinkhauser, Monika Gatterer, Melanie Schifferegger and Ursula Heide Berger were four Lorenzner with 6 Leiferern in the province of choice in Mogliano Veneto and won the team event and a cash prize. In The Year 1993 they stood again in the final, at the end it was 4:4, lost the drawn all-important 9. Fight and had to deal with rank 2 content. Roland Tinkhauser won 1993 the Arge Alp tournament in Salzburg, occupied at the Junior National Championships ninth, Ursula Heide Berger lost by Rank 3, was fifth and received shortly after the first convocation in the junior national team. In the fall of the Roman Ursula lost the Golden Cup final last fight only because of a serious knee injury (Cruciate ligaments). Diego Gatta landed 1993 in Rome in the Cup final in the men's place 5. In the finale of "Assoluti" 1994 he repeated this position. In the fall of the Cup Final in Rome Gatta was ranked 7.
By year 1995 began in the youth field, as before in the years 1978 and 1986, A new generation. Several previous performers sat out due to injury, others for work and others for reasons of study. Diego Gatta finished the Cup Final in Rome Place 9. Anna Renzler placed himself at the finale of the Great Preisses youth in Roma / Ostia Rank 7, Daniel Niederbacher and Manfred Regele retired from. Lukky Tinkhauser won 1995 das Turnier "Iron Crown" in Monza, took 1996 but sometimes with a little luck at the Italian Championships of cadets in Rome. He won at an important tournament in Parma, in which conquered Daniel Niederbacher Bronze. At the tournament in Castel Maggiore / BO both won gold. 1997 brought the brothers Roland and Lukky Tinkhauser gold in their classes at the tournament in Pederobba / BL. At the meeting of the city of Trento 1998 Luke won Tinkhauser and Daniel Niederbacher their categories.
In the association's activities should in autumn 1998 rich for precious finally in the Lorenz agents. Luke Tinkhauser won bronze at the Italian Cup A2 in Rome. Much more important for him but was already long-awaited 1.Dan. In order to promote better Minijudokas, it had been decided in the National Committee, to call the South Tyrol Cup to life. He should take place at several game days in different places and include a closing party with BBQ. Said, done. The SV St. Lorenzen ist schon des öfteren mit der Abschlussveranstaltung betraut worden und hat sich auch auf kulinarischem Gebiet schon einen Namen gemacht. This contest has been well received in the meantime and around the "autumn hole" to bridge, have since Lorenzner 1999 Introduced "her" youth-Autumn tournament in the activities at the country level.
Many Judo sizes were a guest in the dojo of St. Lorenzen. Am Anfang waren es die Italienischen Nationalmannschaften mit ihren Trainern Nicola Tempesta und Bruno Carmeni. Eduard Leimegger and Norbert Rücker took over the training, for they had gained experience earlier in Judo. Emil Schifferegger joined them with experiences from Landshut. Later followed holidaymakers as e.g.. the German champion Dörnbrand, or the Carabinieri Sports Group with head coach Luciano Archetti. The Polish champion and Olympic silver medalist from Seoul 1988 Janusz Pawlowsky held several training and trainer training ( 1992 + 1994 ) as well as the Japanese Grand Master Shigeoka Takafumi (7.And), the 1992 taught in the Far East perfection of his European tour Judo.
Comparison fights, regular belt tests, Training camp by the sea or in the mountains, as well as shows in public Judo made attractive and procured the necessary growth. To fixed points in the diaries of many judokas included, among other things, the Arge Alp tournament at various venues, Sparkassen Cup in Innsbruck and the St. Lorenzen held Easter- or Pfingstturnier. Early 90s revived the section Judo in cooperation with the Judo Club Caselle / VR warm season with Judo Summer Schools. The initiator of this meeting was the in the meantime, was killed in a traffic accident Veronese Judo colleague Giorgio Tommelleri (3.And). He had managed, all northern Italian judo friends, Judo for a week holiday to St. To lure Lorenzen.
The meeting was three summer 1994, 1995 and 1996 Marino Marco Lina and Prof. Cesare Barioli passed. Often found in the St. Lorenzner judo hall training courses for professionals in the region instead of Judo. Since it often was then something to celebrate, you sat comfortably together or off on a night tobogganing. End 1998 handed Lorenz Holzmann, President of the Association of South Tyrol, at the request of the Italian Judo Association FILPJK, the two judokas earned Lorenzner, Emil Schifferegger and Norbert Rücker, as a sign of gratitude and appreciation for their efforts in the field of youth certificates for 2.Dan.
The main pillars in all the years of construction work were as section leader Rudi Wohlfarter, Eight Notdurfter, Dr. Anton Sapelza, Walter Thomaser, Norbert Rücker, Franz Moser and since 1980 Karlheinz Peacock, her work had prescribed the sport, the section Judo resulted in painstaking work and later with great foresight at the beginning. It also included as officials, Employee, Treasurer, Secretary, Coaches and trainers here: Eduard Leimegger, Norbert Rücker, Hans De Zordo, Emil Schifferegger, Karlheinz Peacock, Paul Kehrer, Herbert Pramstaller, Robert Pescosta, Robert watching, Robert Erlacher, Franz and Martin village man, Monika Gatterer, Diego Gatta u.a. Deserve to be mentioned Alberto Scaramella, an ex- Lorenzner the- after he had terminated his Sterzinger Club – several seasons cooperated in the Lorenzner Hall and Mario Bernarello. Also learned this the Far Eastern martial arts in St. Lorenzen and then later led a few years in Brixen his own club. Recently, with Kurt Steurer - he hung the football boots on the nail – and Melanie Schifferegger two former competitors become active again, the examination have passed since the 1st Dan and work diligently in the section line and on the mat with.
From 1986 the Department of Health was established in the judo hall. Manfred Gatterer was the initiator, later supported him Rosa Niedermair and Manfred Augschöll.In the 90s were Emil Schifferegger, Norbert Rücker and Franzdorf man in Aikido, Train Ju-Jitsu and self-defense. Thus, the section line could also offer courses of this kind, which were mostly well received by women. Ursula Heide Berger was able to close in the meantime her sports studies in Innsbruck and took over the management of several aerobics classes in the cold autumn- and winter months.
In FILPJK- Landeskomitee war die Sektion Judo durch Sektionsleiter Karlheinz Pallua ständig vertreten und sollte es auch in Zukunft im neuen FIJLKAM– Verband (Italian Federation of Judo, Fight, Karate, Martial Arts ) be, Elections in spring 2001 instead of. The new section office in Rodeneck (Rangglverein) is from autumn 1999 directed by Emil Schifferegger and Kurt Steurer and supervised.
Judo erfreut sich auch hier im ländlichen Gebiet eines großen Zuspruchs, obwohl das Freizeitangebot besonders „auf dem Lande“ groß ist. Die Sektion befindet sich schon des längeren auf einem Wellenkamm, kann sich dort mit über 160 Eingeschriebenen ganz gut halten, auch wenn sie einem steten Mitgliederaustausch unterliegt. Nur der „harte Kern“ hält sich über Jahre stets im harten Training. Aber auch im Judosport ist man vor bösen Überraschungen nie ganz gefeit, so wie es das Wellental 1980/81 gezeigt hatte. Doch die erfahrenen Funktionäre in der Sektion Judo werden weiterhin mit Umsicht und Weitblick versuchen, den Nachwuchs durch die bewährte Schule zum Erfolg zu führen. Zudem sind 40 Danträger (Meister), welche die Sektion Judo in den jetzt 43 Jahren ihres Bestehens hervorgebracht hat, eine unzweifelhafte Garantie für die Fortsetzung dieser Erfolgsserie.
August 2014